Lyons Renovation

Whole house transformation

Our client wanted to update their home, keeping the home functional and adding a touch of elegance.

From functional but dated ktichen to ……

Updated kitchen, improving functionality, adding additional storage and sleek clean lines.

Sleek and modern

Update front of home, smoothing out uneven and potentially dangerous surfaces to a contemporary finish.

Look at the steep access to the inner garage!

Front of home with leveled surfaces and updated cladding

From 1980 to ….

2024 – note the updated window and recessed wardrobe.

From uninsulated window to…

Thermally broken window and new ducting

From Comfortable to …

Comfortable, modern and inviting with easy outside access

From “before” to …


From underutilised to ..

Functionality and an invitation to connect

From tired to

Fresh and structurally sound

From charming to ..

Modern and comfortable space for all
Renovated cladding and windows, additonal landscaping